Blog: Vintage Japanese Kimono Culture News
John Marshall Conversation about Arai Hari Traditional Kimono Cleaning
December 26, 2023 • Yoko Lewis
We have recovered an archive page with information from, as a convenience. John is rebuilding this information page and we link/refer (but now as 404) to it in many of our pages, so until the updated page about kimono care and cleaning on website is completed, we leave this as a courtesy, please select image below: Wayback Machine Archive Page (original file source was on H-conversations015a.htm )
Suiseki "Water-Stone" Japanese Art Stones Paired with Vintage Kimono Silks: New Showcase
December 06, 2023 • Yoko Lewis
Suiseki "Water-Stone" Japanese Art Stones Paired with Vintage Kimono Silks: New Showcase
Let Me Count The Ways: Another Creative Use of Vintage Kimono Fabrics of YokoDana Kimono
February 09, 2023 • Yoko Lewis
A Note from Yoko: We love it when customers send us emails and pictures of what they have made from what they've purchased on, or, how they've used it in some activity, or, as part of interior decoration of their home or business. In fact, there are so many of these special and creative uses that we have built a growing list of the many ways that our vintage Japanese Kimonos & fabrics are used or worn by our customers; you can see the list in one of our FAQ pages HERE. We thank Judy for sharing this with us here....
Is It "Kimonos" or "Kimono"? Searching for Authentic Japanese Kimonas, Kimono?
November 07, 2022 • Yoko Lewis
WHAT'S THIS PAGE? Over the years, we've been asked more than once, "Is it kimonos (with an s), or kimono when describing more than one kimono?". So, we put a little light-hearted page together sharing our use of the terms, HERE.
YokoDana Kimono's New Discounted International Shipping via GlobalPost
September 24, 2022 • Yoko Lewis