
Unsolicited Testimonials about YokoDana Kimono

About our testimonials  below: 

The emails and messages we show below came to us unsolicited from customers all over the world. In addition, we have further feedback and comments about us and our products in the following places:



Ebay.com (None recently)

If you like what you've purchased from us you can say so on Facebook, or by sending us a message via our webmail form HERE. We honor privacy requests for those who prefer we not include full name and location.

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The A package (10lbs 110-A) that I received was fantastic beyond my expectations. Stunning full-length kimonos in great condition. My mind is buzzing with ideas about how I might redesign, alter, deconstruct or otherwise change the kimonos to be more compatible with my style. Or not! Shall I leave them as is, on display as the works of art that they are? My original intent was to find interesting vintage Japanese fabrics to use in my quilted and appliqued designs, but I hesitate to ruin these amazing garments. So, there is only one solution to this dilemma. Place another order, of course! The B package, Meisen, Under Kimonos....all are tempting; it will be difficult to choose.

Thank you, Yoko and Dana!
Cynthia Allen
Ontonagon, MI

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The 10lb. kimono package (110-A) arrived a while ago and I am still in love! Everything from the shipping box that was so carefully taped and sealed for protection from the elements to the beautiful kimono inside the box was a delight to see and touch. The wonderful infinity scarf gift was the icing on the cake! It truly made my day when this package arrived at my doorstep.
Many thanks,  so beautiful!

Victoria Weaver
Missouri USA

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Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu!

I received my package some days ago, and, as always, was very happy when I opened it up and saw what was inside.  The silk kasuri I ordered is most beautiful, and the surprise gifts of other pieces of silk kasuri are just as beautiful!

I want to turn the pieces that I ordered into a coverlet for my bed.  I am not sure if I will turn your surprise gifts of silk kasuri into pillow shams or frame them to hang on the wall.  I feel that Japanese kasuri is fine art as well as craft, and is worthy of admiration equal to that given to painting, printing, and sculpture.

Thank you for this shipment, and providing the opportunity to purchase such beautiful pieces of Japanese culture.
Mata doomo arigatoo gozaimasu!  Itsumo doozo yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

Thank you so much.  Please take care.

Pamela L.
Maryland, USA

divider image scroll down pleaseAloha Yoko :

As promised, some pictures, all made from your vintage Japanese silks btw....

Handmade using vintage Japanese kimono silk fabric by DM in Hawaii, hat

Handmade using vintage Japanese kimono silk fabric by DM in Hawaii,coat

 I just wanted to say:  Yokodana's silks are a wonderful opportunity for me to learn to work with beautiful fabrics. I'm learning by Youtube, and use my seam ripper often. It would be nice to share with your clients my attempts to repurpose the kimonos (from yokodana com) and give them a second life...

 Upcycling Kimonos not only connects me to the past but it also stems my cognitive decline as making new items is sort of reverse engineering that is a puzzle to keep the neurons firing. hehehe... 

 It is a pleasure to have such beautiful fabrics to work with. I have been learning lots about silk, including how to wash and prepare it for another life as a new garment. I have been getting very good results by hand washing the dismantled kimonos in a little Dawn dish soap, a rinse in diluted vinegar water, and line drying in the shade.

…I'm attaching  photos (above & below) of some recent projects, which you should be able to add to your site.  It might also be nice for people hesitant to work with silk to know that it is extremely strong, most don't need dry cleaning, and if treated right is very durable, as Yokodana demonstrates.

 …Also, You may have already seen "A Silk Worker's Notebook" by Cheryl Kolander. If not, I recommend it as it is very comprehensive.

 Thank you again for the affordable silks and exceptional customer service! 

 Mahalo and Arigatou,

Hawaii, USA

Handmade using vintage Japanese kimono silk fabric by DM in Hawaii,bag

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I just wanted to thank you so much for your beautiful fabric (6439From yokodana.com collection - Fabrics by Piece/lot). I made some bow ties for a wedding for my husband and son, and a hair bow for my daughter. Thought you might want to see the finished product 🙂.

Rachel-L-Toronto, Canada

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Jane Fagan McClain Quilt

Note from Yoko: 

One of our cherished customers, who's been with us for quite some time, recently shared a touching story (below) about her journey with our vintage Japanese kimonos and fabrics. It's truly heartening to learn how these traditional textiles we offer have been repurposed by a talented textile artist/quilter, turning the fabrics into not just functional pieces, but also artistic symbols of kindness and comfort during difficult times.

But Jane's experience isn't the only one like this that we've heard; in the past, when we used to sell formal Japanese wedding kimonos, another customer bought a shhiromuku (white wedding kimono) to bring to the hospital during an anticipated prolonged and painful surgery recovery. She shared with us her plan to drape it over her hospital bed, finding solace in its touch and beauty amidst her struggles.

We welcome hearing similar inspirational stories from customers who use our vintage Japanese kimonos and textiles. If you have one yourself you'd like to share, please feel free to contact us via our contact page (or our email if you have it), we’d love to hear about it.

Also, FYI, we have built a growing list of the many ways that our vintage Japanese Kimonos & fabrics are used or worn by our customers; you can see the listin one of our FAQ pages HERE. 

Yoko Lewis

Please see Jane’s explanation below with some pictures of the quilt itself:


Dear Yoko & Dana:

Just before Covid hit, I started a small group of mostly beginning quilters. I promised I would teach beginning quilting and provide everything absolutely free if they would guarantee me three hours a week time for six weeks. I said that everything that we made would be donated to a local veterans village project that gets veterans off the streets, and to a victims advocate project where I volunteer. That was four years ago, and we are still meeting as a group. I would guesstimate we have probably donated 50 or 60 quilts.

Attached is a not very good photo of a quilt (we had not yet added the binding) that we made that was donated to a victim of violence.   It is made entirely of kimono pieces from those kimono that had seen a bit of wear. They all came from YokoDana. 

I learned later that the Director of the program had liked the quilt so much that she had held it back until she found just the right Victim to donate it to. It was later given to a young gal who had just gone through a long trial, and the Director had inside knowledge that she was in love with Japanese design.

Seeing this picture again is also a little bit special for me because one of the women who did most of the work on it used it as a project to keep busy while in the early stages of recovery as an alcoholic. She is still clean and sober today, and credits working on that quilt as something that helped get her over the hump.

Jane Fagan McClain
Damascus, Oregon USA

TheGiftedNeedleAtSIGN dot gmail.com 

Jane Fagan McClain Quilt3

Jane Fagan McClain Quilt Closeup

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  Hi Yoko & Dana,

Just a quick note to tell you the kimonos arrived a few days ago, safe and sound, and a couple of weeks earlier than expected, given my shipping choice. They look great, and only after hanging them up did I notice how well the colours in the box worked with each other (corals and greens, mostly)!

The extra bits of fabric were gorgeous - especially the red bundled from the launderer. I've already found a use for part of that  :)

I'm working on a linocut to use on some of the fine-grained lining silk and cotton from my previous order of cutters (Pkg C) last year. Haven't tried this type of printing on fabric before, so it should be interesting. Also, I've been showing the kimonos in this order to various interested friends - some just like to see them, while others are interested in the construction or handling the material. Maybe one day it could result in sales for you through word of mouth from friends multiple-times removed, but at this point it's more just firsthand admiration of the clothing and cloth! 😃

All the best,
Elsie James
Alberta, Canada

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Ciao Yoko, just received the box!(10lbs 1950s Meisen Kimonos) All items are magnificent, thank you very much, I am breathless. And being petite, I have a lot of fabric to upcycle! But I think I also have a few new dressing-gowns to lounge around in, just have to shorten them some. 

Anna E., Italy
….PS: and I noticed all the patterns are woven in, not printed, quite extraordinary! I am a fabric lover, both my aunts worked for Italian couturiers in Milan and my grandmother at the beginning of the last century travelled between Como and Lyon, where the European silk industry was then, and procured women workers for them.  I have inherited the family passion. Rest assured that I fully appreciate all that you sent me. 

Anna E., Italy

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Thank you so much for your beautiful kimono fabrics, for your promptness, and for including the surprise headband and extra fabric gifts!!!

The fabrics are lovely -- and are exactly as described on your website. It's wonderful that you have so many to choose from!

Margaret K.
Colorado USA
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I am so thrilled with the shipment I received yesterday afternoon ! (Fabrics by piece/lot) Everything looks just as I had hoped. Thank you also for the beautiful purse that came as a gift and the hair bows tucked inside! What a wonderful surprise! I am so pleased. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Sandra Fox from NJ (USA)  

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Recent unsolicited feedback messages from our Etsy.com store:

To see our Etsy.com reviews, please visit  our reviews page HERE.

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Dear Yoko,

Thank you so much for the beautiful gifts. What lovely surprises!
Thank you so much for these wonderful kimono. Beyond joy at opening these packages of treasures.

So grateful for your store and kind attention to details, excellent service, accurate descriptions and timely responses.

Have a prosperous winter season,

Victoria E.

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use of vintage wumo wrestler kimono yukata fabric as runner on tansu

 A Note from Yoko:  We love it when customers send us emails and pictures of what they have made from what they've purchased on yokodana.com, or, how they've used it in some activity; or, as part of interior decoration of their home or business. In fact,  there are so many of these special and creative uses that we have built a growing list of the many ways that our vintage Japanese Kimonos & fabrics are used or worn by our customers; you can see the list in one of our FAQ pages HERE. We thank Judy for sharing this with us here below. YL
Good morning!

I absolutely love all of the fabrics that I ordered! They are gorgeous and high quality. Thank you for the gift fabric as well!

I put one of the koi pieces on my Sendai tansu. My grandmother brought it back from Japan in the 50's.

...I am also excited about the other fabrics. I am still deciding how to use them to best show them off.

Thank you again!! -Judy

PS: Don't worry! No one is allowed to light those candles.
Judith R.
Waterford, Connecticut

7310 sumo wrestler koi fish yukata fabric

NOTE: The blue runner on the top of the tansu is a deadstock yukata fabric from a 1990s Sumo wrestler's  cotton fabric, Our product number 7310:

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Ohayo gozaimasu, Yoko san!

Ogenki desu ka? Hope you and yours are happy and well!

So often people remark that the best surprises come in small packages. They are wrong. The BEST surprises come in Yokodana boxes!!!!! 😊

My heart can hardly hold the joy and gratitude your package evoked!!! Thank you, Yoko san!!! All the lovely shibori, the gorgeous wool and the exquisite Meisen fabrics gave flight to my imagination and my soul sang in delight!! Not only were the requested textiles more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, your very generous gifts touch my heart and inspire a new world of possibilities!!! I thank you with my heart, Yoko san!!!!!

May I share a little story? I LOVE Japanese wool (and silk and cotton and linen/ramie! 😊) The wool is so easy to sew and wears beautifully!!!

Several years ago, before I discovered Yokodana's treasures and before I had ever sewn any Japanese fabrics, I found Ichiroya's website (now closed). I needed a warm coat, and silk & wool are so warm and breathable!!!! So I ordered a bolt of blue wool and a peachy-pink silk one that was made for a raincoat!

A quilted jacket seemed the warmest option, but what to use as batting? Any mountain climber will tell you that "cotton kills" because it retains moisture and loses heat quickly. So, silk or wool batting? Well, I chose wool quilt batting because it was available locally. So, the coat and hat are a bit "puffy!" That wool batting is definitely thick and keeps its loft!!! 😊 But the coat is warm and comfortable in even the coldest temperatures!!!

The lining silk slips over any clothes smoothly, so the coat slides on and off effortlessly! Of course, in my ignorance I used the "wrong" side toward the wearer, rather than the "right" side. 😊 Collars were still a mystery then, so my simple coat has a very basic one. Attached are a few pictures of the simple coat and hat taken in my messy workroom! (Is there ever just ONE project ? 😊) Hope they give you a smile!!!

The red wool from Yokodana is even more lovely than I imagined!! I hope the new red coat will look a bit better than the blue one! Ganbarimasu!

Yoko san, your wonderful sense of style and harmony is demonstrated by your elegant textile selections!!! You are so kind to share such treasures with the world!!! Yokodana offers such diverse fabrics that every single time I visit the website, I learn or discover something beautiful, new and useful!!! Thank you!!!

Yoko san, I hope one day we will meet! It would be a profound privilege to thank you in person for your kindness, generosity and friendship!

Best wishes to you and your family,
Warmly yours,

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First of 2 emails:

Hi! I received my first order of bulk kimonos today ("A" Package) and couldn't be more thrilled. They're all beautiful and in better shape than expected. And thank you so much for the free fabric yardage. It's very much appreciated. I'm so happy I just placed another order!
Second email:

Hello again!

I received my second order yesterday and am thrilled all over again! I love everything, especially the embossed white silk yardage--so beautiful. And thank you so much for the extra yardage of the patterned heavy silk (so unique) and for the free wonderful silk kimono liner fabric. All that red cotton is also wonderful to have. I just love fabric.

Looking forward to shopping again soon!

Frederica, Delaware

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Recent Etsy.com 5 star comments about our Shibori Haori Package (110-SC5):

  • 5 out of 5 stars Review by Golden Feet:
8 day delivery from NY to CA with updated delivery info. I was very impressed with the quality and selections sent from a potluck choice. They were all in excellent condition. I liked the 5 different colors and shibori design patterns. Seller also included a lovely kanzashi hair pin as a bonus gift. I appreciate the thoughtful gesture.

  • 5 out of 5 stars Review  by ShuttlePilot

The quality of these kimono is very high, the items not only matched the description, but exceeded my expectations. Yoko is a delight to do business with, and I was amazed at the quick shipping! Highly recommend.

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Lampshade #2 made from yokodana.com vintage Japanese kimono fabrics

Lampshade #1 made from yokodana.com kimono fabrics

Dear YokoDana ,

I have been buying your various bundles of kimono, juban and haori jackets. I am always excited when a bundle comes. With each opening of a box I am overwhelmed by the beauty of each piece! There was one bundle I received that had a Tomesode. It had the five crests , I believe from the 1930's for the lining was red silk (I only say this from what little knowledge I have acquired which is limited). I was overcome by its beauty although the lining was shattered in places it did not detract from the overall artistry.

Most of what I received from you, the kimonos are in relatively good shape which I am always happy about and the pieces that have apparent stains or slight tearing are used as cutters for sewing and other projects ...

Also I have attached a few pictures of some lampshades I created using some of the kimono fabrics. The lampshade with the tassels: the red panels in addition to the white underlay for the flowered netting fabric are from a kimono. The 2nd lampshade the cream colored fabric is from a kimono.

Gassho (palms together)

New York

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I just wanted to let you know I received my order yesterday and I am so happy! The pieces (10lbs 1950s Meisen Silk Kimonos) far exceeded my expectations and are all just so gorgeous. I’ve ordered packages from you in the past and have always been happy with my orders, but this was by far the best one. Thank you! 

-Tea Norfolk
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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 The following message was sent to us by a customer in response to our blog post where we mentioned how we welcome hearing of different ways that customers have used the vintage Japanese fabrics they obtained from us; Rebecca, thanks for sharing. Yoko:

I make COVID masks from small pieces of kimono fabric. I read somewhere silk's electrostatic properties are useful for trapping particles, and of course they are beautiful and feel good on the skin. Two layers of silk sandwiching HEPA filter fabric. I also layer pieces that are too worn, holed, or stained to be used otherwise, then stitch them together in a hybrid of boro, kantha, and crazy quilt embroidery to make scarves. I think about doing larger pieces to build a ruana but fear that would be too showy to wear for me.

Washington State USA

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 From time to time we get lovely letters, even gifts, from customers who use our fabrics and vintage kimonos in many creative ways. We are always touched by them, but also appreciate seeing the myriad ways that people give new life to the old Japanese fabrics we sell. The letter below is from a customer who happens to live close to us here in Delaware. It was included with a gift scarf for Yoko, and she has allowed us to share it here in our testimonials page, and also on a showcase page with multiple photos.

Thank you Anne!
Yoko & Dana
Letter from Anne Boyd, used yokodana silks to dye scarves
Anne Boyd enviro-friendly dyed scarves made with yokodana.com silks
Anne Boyd
Delaware, USA

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Good morning, Yoko san!

Christmas arrived on my doorstep this week ... in a package from Yokodana!! What wonderful gifts!!!  Thank you for the gorgeous sashes and the beautiful presentation bag for wine!!  You touch my heart with your kindness and generosity, and you inspire creativity with your artistic sense and vision!!!  Thank you, Yoko san!!!

Variety may be the "spice of life," but genius lies in subtlety!  And so it is with Yokodana's Japanese fabrics!  Exquisite quality is expressed in an infinite spectrum of textures and hues, with the girl's under-kimonos all in red revealing this immense genius abundantly!!! 

My heart filled with joy as each garment was lifted from the package, each telling a unique story of parents' loving care and hopes for a daughter's happy and healthy life, perfect for silk quilts with a mixture of reds and textures in each.  

Yet after folding them several times (a little creativity ritual), the traditional Japanese quilted sleeping kimono that I have long admired came to mind.  Perhaps a quilted sleeping kimono that can transform into a bed quilt (with buttons, snaps or ties) would be welcome to those in hospital over the holidays.  The sleeping kimono could be worn or keep them warm or remind them of the love and protection that surround them or simply cheer them as they face difficult days.  

With each fabric, each kimono, you and the Yokodana team bless so many people, Yoko san!!!   Thank you!!!

Speaking of kimono, the ladies furisode nagajuban and the hakama made me so happy!!!  The beautiful silk nagajuban in pretty pastel hues is elegantly exquisite!!  The deep green hakama with the swish of its skirt and the lovely hand of the fabric is simply perfect!  Thank you!!!

Please forgive the long email! Sometimes my heart overflows in words!

May you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving, Yoko san!

With warmest wishes and a grateful heart,

Linda C.
Arkansas USA

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Kyle Parent,made from vintage cottons yokodana.com

Above: Made by Kyle Parent from YokoDana's 
cotton package and other website pieces

Hi Yoko,

I thought I would say how much I appreciate your textiles! They're beautiful. I'm attaching photos of a quilt I made using them. If and when you receive more blue/black textiles like the ones I've purchased, please let me know. I'm happy to support!

All the best,

Kyle Parent
Vancouver, Canada

Kyle Parent quilt 1
Kyle Parent, 2

(Made by Kyle Parent, Vancouver, Canada)

divider image scroll down pleaseHi Yoko,

Another terrific cotton package! I appreciate the kids' brights for my cotton packets. And all the indigo's are what I sell the most. There were a few pieces that I will use for myself. The katazome with the cranes and turtles, and some solid indigo's have my name on them. They will work beautifully for some sashiko pieces I've been wanting to do. Thanks again.

Best regards,

Hanna Luther
Sequim, Washington

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Vintage Japanese Asa(Hemp) Hanging
Asa (hemp) Wall Hanging Handmade by yokodana.com customer

Hi Yoko,

I started a project wall-hanging almost a year ago, with 3 panels of a sheer Asa in a fabulous MCM pattern. There were some skips and tears that would have shown up against a light wall. Patiently scouring your website, I found success with my most recent purchase of similar sheer weight, dark Asa panels. I lightly backed one against the other with a running silk thread. The darker one peeks out below like a lady’s slip.

We are so delighted to have finished off our living room with this unique feature.


Natick, Massachusetts USA
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Etsy Review:

Just arrived in Spain after 25 days in transit. But what a surprise! About 11 girls kimono(110-GIRLS) - most of them wearable and very pretty. My 10 yrs old girl is fan about japanese culture and mangas and already picked her kimonos to wear! The rest will be used on sewing projects. The down side was the final cost ie. 3 times the price of the kimonos altogether with transport and customs clearance. But if you look for something so special as these vintage Silk kimonos, It is still worth it to me. And hard to find in Europe. Thank you so much for the nice attention (a hand made mask and personal note). I highly recommend and would buy again from Yoko.


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"A" Package Womens' Kimono 110-A

(Caitlyn's Picture of her "A Package")

Dear Yoko,

I am once again so happy with the kimonos you have sent me. Such a beautiful selection. (My first time ordering was in March:) I will cherish each one. Thank you for the mask as well. How thoughtful and well made. I am wishing you and your family a safe and merry holiday season. Happiest of New Years ☃️❄️✨ .

Austin, Texas

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Dear Yoko,
I want to express how pleased I am with my ongoing business with YokoDana.  I have always been happy with the beautiful kimonos that were picked for me, the fast shipping and overall friendliness with each transaction.  No different with this latest kimono package, again,  meeting all my expectations and beyond!  Thank you and I look forward to ordering again soon!
Sheree Huff
Youngstown, New York

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Hello, Yoko!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I received the kimono fabrics and am completely blown away -- they are absolutely stunning and so beautifully packaged! And I cannot thank you enough for the extra gift fabrics, they are so wonderful and I promise to put them to great use. Also, please tell your sister thank you for the masks, also love them and promise to also put those good use.

That said, please let me know the most ideal way(s) for you that I can share my wonderful buying experience -- I'm more than happy to leave reviews, provide photos of my final products, provide a customer statement for your site, etc. Just let me know. :)

I will surely be ordering more once I've had a chance to work through this first batch. In the meantime, I hope you stay safe and well and I look forward to doing business with you again soon!

Marlina Morena
San Diego, California

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Konnichiwa, Yoko san!

Ogenki desu ka?  We are fine here!  Just staying home or fetching groceries!  
It's a glamorous life!  :-)

Opening a package from Yokodana is like Christmas!!!  And the latest package, the one of boys ceremonial kimono was like Christmas and a birthday together!!!  Thank you!!!

So many kimono and the inner kimono too!!!!  And such variety!!!!  Since Thursday I have been admiring each one, folding and unfolding, and thinking of the boys who have worn them.  Since you sent the beautiful girls' kimono, it is my habit to say a small prayer for the girls and now the  boys as each kimono is touched.  I hope and pray each child has grown well and is a happy, healthy adult.  

The boys kimono inspire thoughts of courage, honor, strength and loyalty!  And the loving care that provided/ produced the kimono for a precious child!  All the love and hope for a bright future!  Textile artists sometimes describe a fabric or garment that "comes alive."  My feeling is that these kimono, made with joy and infinite skill, envelop the child-wearer with all the love, best wishes and support he or she needs for a lifetime!!!  Thank you for sharing them with me!!!

May your week be especially good, Yoko san!!!

With a happy, grateful heart,

Warmly yours,


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Dear Yoko:

...I made this with the beautiful kimono fabric you sold me. Well, here it is. I made a 6-panel LED desk screen to hide a bit of clutter. I love it!
With best wishes,
Carol Schlenger
Palm Beach, Florida

6 Panel LED Desk Screen with vintage kimono fabrics

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I am absolutely in love with YokoDana Kimono!  I have purchased a couple packages and they have surpassed my expectations.  They work closely with you and are so friendly.  Communication is constant through entire transaction with updates as needed.  All questions or concerns are addressed with care right away.  Packages are packed with care and with a personal touch, hand written just for me.  YokoDana will be my go to for all my specialty fabric/craft needs! Great place to do business with that makes you feel like a friend/VIP customer at all times!
Thank you for your wonderful fabrics and customer service!
Stay well!
New York State

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I was so delighted with my purchase of women's kimonos (110-A). First of all, Yoko personally worked with me to make sure that I was picking the type of kimonos that would work for my crafting. Not only that, but she shipped the order right away on the weekend, and I was shocked and really happy to get it early the following week!

The kimonos and haori are all good quality, and some are quite elegant. My toddler's birthday was coming up, and she worked with me to include a toddler kimono! We were so happy to receive a beautiful colorful toddler kimono that my daughter can wear for a few years (and then hand down eventually to her own children). Although you don't know what you will receive in advance, you can specify if there are certain colors you prefer, and she did include a purple kimono and a red one as requested.

I don't think there are any other places to order vintage kimonos that have such good service, such good quality kimonos, and at such a good price.

Wayland, Massachusetts USA

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Dear Yoko-San,

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the beautiful package of kimono silks you sent me. It would take an email longer than you'd probably care to read to tell you of my history with all things Japanese, but particularly kimono. To me, there is no more beautiful art form than kimono. I'm also a designer who loves to work with the silk and obi fabric, and I'm delighted to have found you.

My time in Japan was much shorter than I'd have liked, and I still long to go back. Your gracious and lovely package has brought me more joy than you know.

Thank you for your website information, too. I placed another small order already for a specific project I'm working on.

All the very best,
Sue Wade-Walters
Frederick, Maryland USA

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Yoko San,

Thank you so much! My latest order arrived today and I am very happy with the fabrics I ordered, but even happier that you included so many other beautiful pieces of fabric. They also go together so we'll.

I'm attaching a photo of infinity scarves I have made including your fabrics.  The scarf with the red accent I made with all the little pieces of tsumugi silk kimono you included in my bulk kimono order.

You are truly a partner as we are stuck at home with this health crisis.
Domo arigatou gozaimasu.

Mona Ozaki
Portland, Oregon

Infinity Scarves by Mona Ozaki, from yokodana fabrics

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Dear Yoko,

I was so excited to receive both orders from you (silk pieces by yard/piece). In the first order, you included samples, which were even more perfect for my project than the original ones I picked! I was amazed and immediately placed an order for the white cloud sample you had sent. All of the samples you sent in white were acutely perceptive of the effect I wished to achieve, and showed your artistic sensitivity. What a wonderful thing it is to have found you, especially in this age where practically everything is impersonal corporate sales.  All the samples were so lovely and very much appreciated. See you next project!

Best Regards,

Adrienne Wingfield
Red Bluff, California, USA

divider image scroll down pleaseCarol Lambright, Review of coat from ohshimaAbove: Carol Lambright jacket made from  vintage Ohshima Tsumugi silk package purchased from yokodana.com:

Carol wrote:This jacket is my entry in Round 2 of the 2020 Sewing Bee. It is warm and comfortable but looks fancy at the same time. I intend it for a travel jacket with all the great pockets: there are pockets in both sleeves, a breast pocket, and two lower pockets....  

To see more pictures and read Carol's full in-depth commentary on her making of the jacket and her experiences with YokoDana Kimono, please Click-Push HERE.

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Dear Yoko,

Thank you so much for the amazingly gorgeous array of meisen silk kimonos. I love every single one! I was planning to use them to make other things however these are all so beautiful as they are! I will treasure these and wear them. I especially love the long purple and short pink one. I am trying to figure out how to leave a review on Etsy. :) 5 stars, and it got here so fast. 

Much love from Tennessee,
Caitlyn Burnett

Tennessee USA

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Good morning, Yoko and Dana!

I am sorry I did not write sooner, but the weekend was spent enjoying exploring the wonderful cotton garments, furoshiki, and fabrics you sent (Special Cotton Package)!  :-)

What amazing kimono (in the "thing to wear" sense :-)!!!!! Your selections always delight me and inspire wonder!!! This time the short coats that are reversible have made my soul sing!!! And the long kimono of such amazing fabrics!!! The reddish one has such a lovely hand and slight sheen!!! The "kasuri?" one with turquoise blue and red in the pattern is simply perfect!!! And the beautiful furoshiki!!!!! So soft and inviting for folding!!! The brown one with its delicate fabric evokes such respect and deserves my best skills!!!! And so much more!! The fabric selections have given rise to thoughts of where they might "surprise" to best effect! Thank you!!!!!

To say I am completely delighted by this cottons collection is to merely hint at the depth of my appreciation and gratitude for such a lovely opportunity to learn and to create with such amazing textiles!!!!! Thank you again!!!!!!

Warmly yours,

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I received my shipment (10lbs Ohshima Tsumugi Silk) this week, and wow - so beautiful. When I was in Japan I bought a lot of meisen fabrics, attracted to the interesting color combinations and active designs. It is such a pleasure to receive your curated bundle with subtle woven designs. I would not have been able to pick them out myself because my eye usually just goes toward bright and bold. These are just what I needed. I was tickled that you included one meisen kimono at the bottom of the stack. How fun! It is like you know my personality!
With appreciation,

Kyra Teis
Niskayuna. New York USA

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Thank you so much for the package of beautiful fabric. It was just what I expected and hoped to get except that you surprised me with the 2 extra pieces of sample fabric! That was so nice!

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it!

Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Dear Yoko,

I just received the huge 5 lb. bundle of beautiful kimono fabrics (110-KPCS-2) as well as the individual pieces I ordered, along with, (much to my surprise!) a good amount of gift fabric as well!!! Wow!!! I am so excited to start sewing! My mom and I are going to experiment with piecing the fabrics together creatively for patchwork scarves. This treasure trove of patterns and color will give us lots to work with!

Thank you again! So excited to get started now!

Hayley Meyer
Maryland, USA

divider image scroll down pleaseHello Yoko Dana people,

Just a quick word to let you know how pleased I am with my order of 60 “1960’s pongee silk Ohshima Tsumugi that just arrived today.  The fabric is just what I wanted.  Many thanks for the extra pieces that you included in my order.

I found YokoDana through my search engine Safari on my ipad.  Will certainly be returning and will be singing your praises to my fellow fabric artists.

Ontario, Canada

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Good afternoon, Yoko-san!

Thank you for offering such beautiful and fine quality kimono and textiles!  I am very happy to place an order with you again!

In my last order, the ladies' kimono were so lovely!!!  I shared them all with my female family members and their friends!  (Yes, I did save my favorite one!)  

The fabric pieces also delighted my eyes and made my soul sing!  Many have adorned garments (sometimes as fabric origami!), sode linings, and the inner overlaps (and even skirt hems!)!  I love the "surprise" of a fabulous Japanese fabric catching the eye unexpectedly!  I tell everyone who asks where I get such beautiful fabric to go to YokoDana!!!  

You sent my last order so quickly and even blessed me with gift fabrics!!!  Your thoughtfulness and generosity touch my heart!  Thank you!!!!!

Thank you again for your beautiful, fine quality products and exceptional customer service!!!

Warmly yours,

Arkansas, USA
....and then, sent the following after most recent order:
Good morning, Yoko-san!

Ogenki desu ka?  I hope you are enjoying your week!

My order arrived Monday!  So quickly and packed so beautifully!!!

Your generosity touches my heart!  The deep red full shibori haori, the "raincoat" haori, the pristine nagajuban collar, the lovely red shibori print and black silk scarf/collar, the perfect indigo fabrics, the beautiful kimono and nagajuban, and so much more!!!  Each item kindles creative ideas!!!  So many new-to-me items (haori, indigo, nagajuban)!!  Thank you very much!!!!

Each item "speaks," teaching, inspiring, etc.  With these lovely garments and fabrics, I feel the way I did as a young girl, sitting with my grandmother or mother as they taught me to embroider and sew!  YokoDana's kimono and textiles evoke a profound respect for the artisan and for the fabric!  Thank you for sharing them!!!

Thank you again for your kindness and generosity!  
Hope you have a great week!

Warmly yours,
Arkansas, USA

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Kay, Virginia, top1, kasuri
kay 3

Hi Yoko,

I received my latest fabric order and love it. And I really appreciate the little extra bits you include, which I can tell are selected with my tastes in mind. 

I’ve not used everything yet that I’ve purchased from you, but thought I’d send you photos of three tops (above) that I’ve made from fabric I’ve bought from you. I get so many compliments on each of them whenever I wear them. 

Thanks again!
Virginia, USA

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I just received my lottery-winning kasuri order--I love it.  I really appreciate how you put the order together in a furoshiki and included some tengui in the order.  I'm wearing the mompei as I write this and have plans for piecing together some of the ikat fabrics to make a tunic.  Thank you so much. 

Toni Belogonoff
San Francisco, California

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Thank you, 

It arrived  (10lbs "A" Package) this morning and I have all of the kimono on hangers.  I need to put them outside to lessen the storage smells.  All are beautiful and usable for garments and accessories.

Thank you again, I am very happy with the purchase.

Ruth L.
San Jose, California

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Yes! My order has been delivered. I am more than pleased with my shipment (20lbs Meisen). You exceed my expectations on variety of size and color.
Thank you.
Annette Baker
Bellingham, Washington

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Mary Reeves, 5 Star Facebook Review:

Amazing! If I had to pick one word for my shipment, it would be amazing. When I ordered, for my daughter, I expected some of the kimonos to be damaged, or stained, or possibly even missing pieces. Like the website says. Imagine our surprise when we opened the box this morning and after taking out each piece, realised that she now has over a dozen wearable kimonos!!!!! S, some of them have a stain here or there, but nothing major. And not a one is damaged or in pieces. Yokodana you have exceeded our best hopes....Thank You!!! 

Mary Reeves
Illinois, USA

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Thank you for my order of beautiful haoris & kimonos (A Package)! All are in great shape and so beautiful!

With gratitude — Amy Y., Newton. Mass. USA

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G'day Yoko

It was like Christmas when my fabrics (110-KPCS2- 5 pound silk pieces) arrived today, thanks so much for the great variety. Each and every one is a work of art.

I think I'm addicted to Yokodana!!!


Di Ditcham
Perth, Australia.

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ohiokimono.com: kitsuke and kimono dealerWeb Site Review of Ohio Kimono by YokoDana Kimono:

We decided to add here something about a long-time customer of ours who recently left a kind review of us on Facebook. While she might be considered our competition, we still wanted to give a review so our visitors would know  of other reputable kimono dealers, so here goes:

Some years ago we first met Kerry of Ohio Kimono online ( www.ohiokimono.com) as a customer of ours. We have been pleased to see her business grow over time and especially like her approach to kitsuke, vintage kimono-wearing and to Japanese culture in general. She shares our values as to how customers should be treated (respectfully, knowledgeably and without over-charging) and spreads her knowledge and skills around through her website and many venues around the USA, including Anime and Otaku culture events -- and of course Japanese festivals. While technically Ohio Kimono might be considered a competitor of YokoDana Kimono, nonetheless as we don't overlap shows and share many of the same customers we thought a tip of the hat acknowledging her quality website and business was in order. So if you shop with her at cons or online, tell her 'YokoDana sent me". Enjoy. Yoko

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Hello. y.

Wanted to say that my kimonos arrived ('A' Package 110-A) and I am thrilled with each and everyone of them. One lovelier than the next . Just bbbuuiiittiiiiffulll. Thank you and I will be purchasing again as soon as possible . Best wishes Carmen bury

... (it) would be fine to use my note because I meant every word I said about your wonderful kimonos. And we have just ordered a new batch so I'm excited to see what arrived, it feels a bit like opening Christmas presents.!!! ... And again we are so pleased to have discovered your site and will be loyal customers. Best wishes

Carmen and Greg Bury
West Orange, New Jersey

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Thanks so much the fabric it is beautiful and it is the last material I will buy as I have a huge studio full of ethnic materials to use in my art and I'm 75 years old so that will last my lifetime I love how the Kimono's are made they are an art in themselves. Thanks again you are so professional,

Cheers ,
Kathryn Glowen Artist
Arlington, Washington State USA

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Hello Yoko, just sent a message on Messenger to thank you for the safe arrival of my Kimono parcel at lunchtime today, Tuesday. I am impressed with the speed of the delivery and the quantity and quality of the kimonos. 
Thank you so much.

York, United Kingdom

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Facebook Review:

Got my order today! A fabulous selection and in great shape!...  I was really impressed by the Kimino and that they came so fast and were beautifully folded!Thanks so much!  If this goes well will order again!  Terrific service too!  Thanks so much!

Sandra Lepper
Mount Vernon
Washington  State USA

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Just opened the box (boys and girls packages) and I felt like I won the Lottery....The boys box was absolutely wonderful but....this girls box was spectacular. Full of bright colors, flower designs ...wonderful magical birds and phenomenal background scenes. I can't wait to share this box with some friends and to begin to daydream about what might be possible with these gifts from yokodana. .... I am thrilled with my purchases and now I am noodling creative ideas to use these treasures in different ways. Our 12 year old granddaughter picked one short jacket from the boys box and wore it to a fancy Japanese Restaurant for a birthday celebration. I took some photos before we left and it looked wonderful on her.

Judi Sammons
Whitewater, Colorado USA

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Amazing shipment as always (A Package & Meisen Package), thank you! You guys are such a dream. I am in love with every single one EmojiEmojiEmoji

Miami, Florida USA

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Dear Folks,

I received the shipment yesterday.  It was better than expected.  Thank you so much.  I am very pleased with your kimono fabrics.  And thank you so much for the gifts inside.
Sally Davey
Hercules, California USA

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Dear Yoko:

The package arrived today, and the contents is as beautiful as the first package I ordered 16 years ago. I will have as much trouble cutting these apart as I did those original garments.

Thanks - Sue
Sue Wingate
Mirror Lake, New Hampshire USA

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Dear Yoko:

I just wanted to tell you that the boys' kimonos you sent me are lovely, and I will be ordering more from you in the future.

Best wishes,
Ellen W.
Evergreen, Colorado

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Dear Yoko:

I have attached a photo of my daughter wearing a kimono we purchased from you (Girls kimono package). I took a picture for Hinamatsuri! She loves to wear the kimono but hates me taking pictures of her :( .This kimono fits so well but we have others that will fit her when she gets taller! They are all so beautiful and different. ... I used an obiage for the obi. I did not have a small obi. The obiage was from you also.

thanks again!

Rochester, New York


girl in kimono from YokoDana Kimono Girls Package Kimonos (110-GIRLS, 10lbs)

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Dear Yokodana team.

Today I recieved my order (By-Pound Kimono Packages: Nagajuban, Hakama,Silk Pcs KPCS,Girls). And they are so beautiful. Thank you so much. They are all lovely. as you are. I hope We keep doing business together many times. Happy and successful New year.

Best regards,
Tiffany (Nigar) Bilgen McCallion
London, England

divider image scroll down pleaseDear Yoko,

I just received the fabric and it is perfect, the service was the best, and the gift was surprising and pleasing. That gift is what we call "lagniappe" here in Louisiana.

Thanks so much for a wonderful experience.

Best regards,

Randy Stebbins
Hammond, Louisiana
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Pictures and comments below from Evelyn Lee, a California customer; things she made from vintage kimonos & fabrics purchased from us. To see more of Evelyn's work click here:

Evelyn Lee pillows made from yokodana kimono fabrics
Evelyn Lee blouse made from yokodana kimono fabrics

Dear Yoko:

Personally I love Vintage kimonos especially the silk ones because of it's beauty and uniqueness (it's almost never, to find exact same kimono/fabric). I have been collecting, remaking, up-cycling using kimono fabric for a few years now.

Usually for the longer piece, I love to make them into garments, such as dresses or tops. The Orange tone floral Silk Top is used from YokoDana's girl's kimono package. I unstitched the original kimono, hand washed in cold and gentle circle, laid dry, and ironed it prior to work on the fabrics. Some of the semi-large pieces, i can easily make them into small pillows for various gifting idea. The fun of unstitching kimono is that you will be left with many different size and pieces of Kimono fabric. So another fun project would be making them into pouches, which the examples here I have is for Triangular pouches.

And yet, if the fabric is long and skinny, and you can't find anywhere to use it, it'll be a great idea to re-dress your flip flop.

Lastly, this is something new I bought from YokoDana.com, from the Mixed Cotton package. Putting two large Navy Tone Furoshiki together, then you get a very unique tunic taking advantage not only the beautiful motif, but also the convenience of not needing to hem the garment so much.

Evelyn Lee
California, USA

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Hello Yoko:

I got my A-package today and I think it is the most wonderful I have gotten so far! Very beautiful!

Definitely worth the wait. Thank you so much!!! Also thank you for the good communication and information about why it was delayed.

Carol Lambright
Eugene, Oregon USA
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I am in receipt of my order of vintage fabrics(Silk Pieces Bundle KPCS), Love love love them. Thank you and I will order more.

Marie S.
Ontario, Canada
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Dear Ms Lewis,

The 10lb meisen package arrived and I would like you to know how pleased I am with the beautiful fabrics of the kimonos and haoris. My nieces are laying claim to some of them so I will be definitely ordering from you in the future. Not only have the packages arrived (this is my second order) promptly and been meticulously packed but I have been astounded both times by the wonderful quality and workmanship of the items themselves. Thank you and I look forward with anticipation to ordering from you again.

Victoria T.
Laurel, Maryland USA

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Dear Lewis-san,

I have just received my bundle of nagajuban and they are BEAUTIFUL! I am excited to start working on some projects with them immediately.

I hope to do business with you again soon. ^_^
Domo arigato gozaimasu!

-Cassie B.
Nashville, Tennessee USA

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Thank you for the more than prompt service on the A package bulk kimono. The package arrived yesterday and today I had the time to go through the beautiful items. Particular thanks for the young boys and girls kimonos which will help to introduce the young ones to the beauty of japanese textiles. I look forward to dealing with your firm in the future.

Victoria T.
Laurel, Maryland USA

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Girls group in Idaho, wearing kimonos from YokoDana Kimono's Girls Package 110-GIRLS

Above: Picture from Carol in Idaho: Japan Culture Day, wearing girls kimonos from YokoDana

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Dear Ms. Lewis,

This was my first purchase with Yokodana and would like to let you know how impressed I was with the gorgeous meisen bundle I ordered. Just beautiful!! Thank you so much.! Now I'll have to check your website daily for all future offerings as I'm looking forward to ordering again soon.

Yours sincerely,
Bambi Babbitt
Somerset, Wisconsin USA

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lampshade made from silks from "A Package" YokoDana Kimono

Ruth Carter lampshade made from silks from "A Package"

lampshade made from silks from "A Package"

Yoko, these ("A", "L" & "NAG" Bulk Kimono Packages) are so incredible! My husband is laughing because I have tears in my eyes at the beauty, but even HE has to appreciate their exquisiteness. I have found them easy to clean and all my family and friends look forward to receiving them as gifts. The small pieces are glimpses into another world. I have made some of them into lamps and am sending you a couple of photos. I can't wait to order more! What a treasure is Yokodana!

Ruth Carter
Austin, Texas USA
(Above pictures are lampshades made using our "A Package" Kimono fabrics)

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Greetings, Yoko,

It is not just the quality of your product that brings me back as a customer. It is the fact that yours is a real family business, that makes me happy to do business with you. I appreciate that as a family business working on opposite sides of the world to bring your customers these lovely items, naturally there will be logistic issues. I read your FAQ sheet and understand the challenges you deal with just to bring these pretty things here.

It is because yours is a family business with a real commitment to your customers that I know you will do your best, when you do the final selection for each order by hand on this side of the pond, to meet my needs and requests in my order. I really appreciate the care and consideration you and your family bring to your business.

Thank you again for your time and attention in this matter. I look forward to receiving my order next week or so.


Serenity Studios
Columbus, Ohio USA

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I just received my 15lb. order of “Package A” bulk kimonos and I wanted to personally thank you for such a wonderful assortment of beautiful kimonos, as well as the exquisite fabric you also enclosed. Like many other members have stated, it will be difficult to cut up some of the kimonos for my quilts because they are so beautiful. There were even two little girl kimonos in my order which I plan to keep for my granddaughters. My mother is Japanese and seeing these little girl kimonos brought back wonderful childhood memories when my sisters and I would dress up in beautiful kimonos that my mother had.

I have always been happy with my purchases from you and once again, I thank you very much for such a wonderful order!... You can be assured that I am a loyal and repeat customer!


Tina Smith, East Longmeadow MA

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Thank you so much (for A Package), every piece is absolutely lovely and I am so satisfied with them! I also adore the little folded packet of fabrics! I cannot wait to work with them although some are so beautiful I just hung them on the wall to admire them! Thank you so much and I will definitely be ordering from you again. Have a lovely day!
-Holly Brown
Springfield, Illinois

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Dear YokoDana Folks,

I just wanted to send a note of thanks for the kimonos(A Package)you sent. I
have just rec'd them today and they are exactly as described on your
web site. Once again, thank you so much. The selection you sent is
very gracious. The children's items were a delightful surprise.
Wishing you a wonderful season of cherry blossoms.

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Michel Nicoli
Phoenix, Arizona

I have been an opt-in member for quite a few years & have purchased @ Sakura Festival & via mail, both fabrics by the piece & by bulk pkg. -- you folks are the BEST. Now I'll go "like" you on facebook too! Thanks so much -- for your superior product & your fair & kind-hearted business skills -- both all too rare in today's world.

Patricia Newton
Ardmore, Pennsylvania

Dear Yoko,

I hope u r all well.Just wanted to let you know I just got the "Treasure Box". I was astounded by the Beautiful Kimonos.

I used to be a Fashion Designer. So I appreciate the Fabric and the Form of the Kimono. Initially I bought the Kimonos for Quilting. Now I have a conflict. I don't have the heart to cut these Kimonos.

I wanted to thank and compliment you for the Kimonos you sent my way.


Yael Ouriel (& Tov Brog- Husband)
Atlanta, Georgia

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Thank you, Dana and Yoko! I received my order(A Package)yesterday. I am just thrilled with the variety and quality of the kimono!

Linda Wakefield
Reno, Nevada
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Hi, Yoko,

Thank you so much for the wonderful selection of garments you sent (A Package).They are just beautiful. A perfect variety. Thanks again.

Pam Flynn
Monterey, Virginia

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Dear Yoko,

Thank you so much for the parcel. Once again I am delighted with the box of surprises. I'm also thrilled with the fabric that you include. I like the pieces that have labels attached. They always seem to have a sense of being 'of the country.' I thought you might be interested in what is happening to all of these things when they get here. I am using the items to raise some money for earthquake relief and also as part of my own textile/vintage business. Some pieces are made into gifts, some are sold and far too many are kept back because I can't part with them. I am also using the garments to show some local school kids Japanese dress. The kids are only little but they love to see these things. (Especially the boys, funnily enough.)

I'll be placing regular orders soon, as I am retiring from work shortly and will have more time on my hands to spend with the sewing part of my hobby.

Susi Clark
United Kingdom

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Hi Yoko san! Yesterday the box of cotton came and I could hardly wait to get it open! You really know how to wrap packages to keep them safe! Once open I was gasping and oohing and ahhhing and having much fun! Loved all the "fat quarters" pieces of cotton and Oh the silk pieces WOW! those are my colors and I just loved them! There was one piece of cotton that was breathtaking it was black with raspberry red and royal blue tiny strips in gradation! it is gorgeous! I can see these in all sorts of quilting ideas!

Some of the yukata will come apart and become fabric but one is most lovely and it will adorn me! It is indigo with white flowers done in lines and the softness is yummy! I don't know but there isn't much that gets my attention like beautiful textiles!

Glad you are out there with a supply!

Hugs and thanks Vona
Worcester, Massachussetts, USA

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I purchased 100lbs of mixed kimono, package A. I am truly happy. More flowery words can not express my satisfaction. Just simple, yes, I am happy! Items are really varied. Some wearable, some perfect for creative resurrection. I could cry…. The children’s pieces are delightful! I really like them. sigh.
Oh! Yoko and Dana! You must be really great people. I hope to meet you one day. Call me if you are in Seattle? I will be pleased to take you to dinner.

Seattle, Washington, USA

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The package of fabrics arrived on Saturday and I couldn't be more pleased. It was lovely to find that you had included some pieces that I hadn't
ordered. The fabric will be used in a quilt I will begin soon and being able to incorporate many different fabrics will make it more interesting.

Thanks for your quick service.

Carol Herring
Healdsburg, California
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Hi Yoko!

Thanks! I am super excited(about my first order). I hope there are a few whole kimonos/ haoris... I'd love to get one or two I can wear. The customer feedback on the website was very helpful. I knew if I searched hard enough I could find a place to get kimonos without having to pay all of the crazy shipping from Japan. What a fabulous business idea. I am looking forward to getting them next week sometime and I'll keep checking back to get cotton ones for quilting purposes.

The Facebook page is nice also. The pictures of the shows are really nice. I'll have to try to get to a few!


PS(After receipt of order): I loved the 20 lbs of silks package. I just kept pulling kimonos out of the box! The variety was great and I was very impressed.
Thank you!

Katie Lausten
Florida, USA
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This note is much overdue--some time back in May I placed my first order with you and somehow my credit card information was deleted and you asked me to resend it, and as an apology you included several lovely, extra pieces in my order--I was pleased with all my fabrics and decided to order more. At the time I was placing my second order (June 3), I had fully intended to include a note thanking you for your generosity the first time around, but just as I was in the process of filling in the order form, we received a phone call that one of my children had been in an accident. I quickly concluded my order without the thank you note, left the next morning to be with my daughter (who will be ok), and am just now getting around to sorting through the mail that piled up in my absence. Phew. I had forgotten that I had placed the second order and what a nice surprise to find it in my pile--and also to find that again you included a few surprises. I've enjoyed doing business with you, and as soon as I actually make something with the fabric I have, I'll check back into your website. Thank you again...

Sue K.
New Jersey, USA

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Hi Yoko and Dana,

My package arrived today(Bulk Kimono) in perfect condition and the contents were spectacular! I'm simply delighted with the elegant haori, the lovely michiyuki coat and that striking purple kimono. Everything is so discerningly chosen and in such fine wearable condition.

Many thanks for all the care you take in selecting beautiful items at exceptional prices. I always get compliments, and I always mention you!

Best Wishes,

PS.I've discovered that I love the hakama as a skirt, now that I've been trying everything on. They're so elegant ...every item is beautiful, but the cream-colored haori with the leaf pattern is a knockout. I'll probably hang it on my wall as art instead of wearing it!

Good wishes and arigato goziamasu

Carolyn K.
Nashville, Tennessee USA

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Dear Yoko,
Thank you for all the beautiful silks (Kimono pieces) you sent to me last week. I am enjoying them so much. They are so special.
Denise S.
New Jersey USA

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Dear Yoko san: I hadn't heard the UPS truck so I checked the tracking number and it said it was delivered--went out on to the Florida room ( a New England term for a closed in breeze way!) and there was my box! Took it inot the studio/computer room and opened it and oohed and ahhed over the kimono and fabirc! Two childrens kimono and a juban! there are several that I will definitly wear! One is the beautifully decorated kurometomosode, that is an amazing example of the style! I also loved the silver kimono with the aplique and painted flowers! Then there are some others too that will definitly we worn! Some will make their way in to other garments and quilts!

In case your hadn't noticed I love all that you sent! the fabric pieces are just amazing too! I would say I really got my moneys worth and them some!

Arigato gozaimasu for making my day!

Hugs Vona

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Dear Yoko & Dana,

I am THRILLED with my purchases. And I wish to thank you for the gift piece. We are hopefully moving into a condo as soon as we can sell our house which has a very high ceiling with skylights and I hope to hang the Sumurai banner fom the highest level and where I can keep it away from too much light. My husband complained that I was spending money again but when he saw the banner especially he was very pleased. The roll of fabric is fantastic and I finally got some real shuiro! The wrapping cloths brought back many memories for my husband about how everything was wrapped when he was there. He really is a softie about Japan--he liked the people very much and enjoyed his 3 years or so there.

I most likely will not be purchasing much more although I would love to have the uchikake(bad spelling) but out of my range. I shall keep checking your new store regularly and may find something else I just cannot resist. Thank you so much for your fine service and beautiful goods.

Thank you so much,
Venita in Indiana
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When an "A" package arrives in our house it's like Christmas. Each item gets pulled out and inspected for interesting patterns and ideas begin to form in our minds of what we'd like to do with each piece. A new sword bag for my boyfriend? A wall hanging for my son? (he picked out a BRIGHT red panel from the last box!) A kimono for my daughter to wear? More projects for me? All possibilities are considered.

We are, and continue to be, very happy customers.

Carol & family
Oregon, USA

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I received the package (bulk cottons) that I had waited for with such high anticipations. I was amazed that it was even more wonderful than I imagined. I thought I might find one or two out of the lot to keep and wear with jeans. Every single one of them is almost perfect, you have to search to find any imperfections and I only found a few. I now have to decide which ones to keep and which ones to take apart. There were several little girls kimono which I cannot bear to take apart and will give as gifts. I have taken 2 apart already, a very easy task while watching TV and must decide soon which ones I will be making into jackets. The fun part is I will still have the bottom portion of the kimino to use in quilts. Thank you for the wonderful selection.

Cynthia Butts
Design & Modeling
Windsor, Connecticut (USA)

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Since your customer service was so excellent during the ordering process, I thought you would appreciate knowing that your shipment (Imari plate) reached me safely. What a beautiful packing job! I'm very happy with the item I ordered. Many thanks.

Joyce K.
New York, NY

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I ordered several fabric pieces and all of them were exactly as pictured. Much care was put into their packaging. And, I even received a BEAUTIFUL free gift fabric piece. It is so pretty!!! I'm going to make a neck roll pillow out of it. Also, I knew from reading their site that they were out of town at a show. And, they even emailed me to tell me of a short delay. Yet, though I placed 2 orders at other places that day, this site's order arrived 1st, and it arrived in 2-3 days. WOW!!! Thanks!

Elizabeth Olsen
Chicago, IL.
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Hi Yoko,
I just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful piece of striped indigo I recently purchased from you.
I have never sewn on such fine, inherently straight fabric. I was amazed at the quality and craftsmanship of it in this respect. I will definitely keep my eye on your website for new finds.This piece will be the standard against which Icompare others! Thanks again for everything: great fabrics and wonderful, personable service.

Jane Burkholder
Portland OR

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Yes, you presumed right!( that a second order indicated she liked her first order of bulk kimonos,dl) I especially loved the textured navy kimono and textured purple fabric piece,the blue + white floral kimono,the blue + white 2 fabric pieces, + the 2 kimonos with navy with floral etc. motifs. I was Amazed at the cool things in my cottons package!

All I can say is WOW!!! Very , very Exciting!!! I float around wearing various items every day!!

(Also in a few weeks I´ll be ordering your Silks package!!)


Kathy Fietz
Luxembourg (Europe)
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Thank you, Dana and Yoko!!

Oh, I loved it so. I am so happy!! I even wrote on gather.com(site closed 2016):

(Anyway)...I love it!! I AM enthusiastic about it (bulk kimono order) - i am so pleased i found you guys, and i think that it is such a good value. yahoo!!! ....You're right - i opened the box and the SMELLS came back. i was so happy (as you can tell). yep, just wait til i order *another* box. heh heh!!!

PS:....( So, I am) glad to help spread the word. i knew you'd be happy(reading the gather.com piece), knowing how VERY happy i am today. thank you again!! cheers, jessie

Jessica Voigts
Stanton, Michigan(USA)

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The product arrived safe and sound and I am enjoying the items I received. I find I can wear much of it and other pieces will make beautiful adornment for other products.

Thank you,
Federal Way
Washington State (USA)
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I received my kimono today and just wanted to thank you for the prompt and quality service (received within 3 days). The kimono looks exactly as it was pictured and described on your website. It is really beautiful. I look forward to doing business again with you in the near future. Emily
I received the (second) package today. It was a lot of fun opening the surprise package (bulk kimono)--there are several great pieces including the child's kimono that is especially cute on my two year old. She enjoyed trying it on and looking at herself in the mirror.

Thanks again,

Emily M.
Tennessee, USA
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Dear Yokodana,
I just want to thank you for the lovely fabrics and for the small pieces that you gave me. You must be able to see what I'm making-- the pieces will go so well in my quilt! I'm really happy with my order.
Suwanee, Georgia USA

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I just wanted you to know how pleased I was with my recent order. Unpacking the box was like Christmas morning! As I took out each piece, I was floored at how beautiful they were. I have been on your mailing list for awhile and didn't really know what to expect. I ordered thinking I would be able to use the fabric for various sewing projects, however, 4 or 5 of the pieces are so lovely, I have added them to my closet. Even one that had slight damage, I have repaired and now use everyday as my robe. It will actually be hard for me to cut up the ones that I will use in other projects. I just wanted to say thanks and let you know grateful I am to have found a source such as yourselves.

...It's a pleasure, as always, to be in touch with you, and your focus on esthetics in Japanese culture and design certainly requires no apology in the context of doing business. Anyone can sell me something...but you and your Web site offer so much more. That's why people like me are likely to keep coming back to you. I hope you never, ever change.

-Best regards,

-Barbara White
Evanston, Illinois, USA

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Just wanted to send a thank-you for the lovely selection of kimonos and fabric that I recently bought(20 pounds silks, 20 lbs. cottons). I split the package with a friend. Lovely kimonos, lovely fabric. Thank you!

Linda A., Trescott, Maine, USA

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Just wanted to write and say that I got to see my great nieces wearing the kimonos(Bulk Kimonos) that were part of a bundle I ordered from you earlier in the spring. We were in Southern Illinois last weekend and they all modeled them for me. The five year was so funny as she said hers was too long, but at the rate she grows, that won't be true for very long! I found the choices the other two had made interesting --- I had sent 4, one for each of the girls and one for their mom. I also showed them what they could do if they decided they wanted to display them on their walls.
Thank you again for the great products you have!

Mary Castle
Ambridge, Pennsylvania USA

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Gidday Dana and Yoko,

Wooo thank you. Bulk package(D package, 20lbs) arrived today. Kimonos are perfect for pulling apart and making crafts.

Will be making another order in the future.

Betty Lui
Umina, New South Wales

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Thank you.
My fabric (A package & kasuri) arrived in time for me to sew this weekend.
Very interesting gauze-like weave.Have not seen that before... but it was perfect for a curtain.Allows in light and air, but offers some privacy when the window is open.
The stiffness was perfect for this project.The curtain has hems at bottom and top.
Both the bottom and top have tension rods holding them firm -creating a flat panel.
Best wishes

Joyce P.
New Mexico USA

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Dana and Yoko- The silk kimono are wonderful. I was so excited to receive my grab bag and am SO happy with the contents- thank you! (purchased: A package silks, kasuri & runner made from vintage obi.)

B.A., Deary,Idaho USA

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I am so pleased with my package!(D package, synthetics) It was like opening a present- I didn't want the box to end! The bolt of fabric that came is beautiful, I can't wait to use it all. Thank you so much!(Feel free to use on your testimonials page!) Kate

Kate Alexander
Coventry, Connecticut USA

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Hi Dana & Yoko

Thanks for the great box of cottons. The shipping was really quick (7 days)!!!
There are some really great items in the box and although the yukatas are a tad short for me (since I am 5' 9" which is tall for a sansei female), they will make great long jackets/big tops. I am really glad that you set up this business. You make is so easy to get great items/fabrics & your prices are so reasonable.

Thanks again,
Paula Tsuruoka
Ontario, Canada
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I have just received my first order (20lbs A package) from your company. All I have to say is WOW AND MORE WOW!! I can not believe my luck. I awoke with a migraine this morning. I think you just cured it. Thank you so much. I am sure I will be ordering again in the near future.

Priscilla Hair
Easley, South Carolina
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I just want you to know how thrilled I am with my bulk kimono purchase from you. It is beyond wonderful. I opened my box with a friend,...who was so impressed she plans to order some as well. I plan on ordering more. Thank you so very much,....also I really love the beautiful duvet type cover you included - its gorgeous. A thousand thanks to you for offering such beautiful, quality kimonos at quite a reasonable price.

Leah Covington
Portland, Maine
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Hi Dana,

Just a quick note to let you know that we returned home from a vacation this week and the kimono package was waiting on our porch....I absolutely love it....thank you so much....they are just what I was wishing for, now, the hardest thing is going to be cutting them up for my quilts!!! Out of the whole package, there were three that i did not care for, and the wrapping cloths were an unexpected bonus that I love........and the ?futon cover? it is beautiful....thanks, thanks , thanks, in fact I will order another bulk "C" Package now before you no longer have any, so I can be creating wonderful quilts for a long time to come. thanks again for your dream come true.

Grants Pass,Oregon

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My wonderful order (20lbs A package) arrived yesterday and my whole family was
excited (my husband and 2 cats) all gathering around as I opened
the box. I was really delighted with what you sent me and I'm
already imagining what I will make. Thanks very much and I'm sure
you will hear from me again. It was a very happy experience.

Barbara Ford
State College, Pennsylvania (Home of Penn State!)

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I received my package last night (20lbs A package)! Wow! I am so impressed with everything. The speed at which my order was filled is amazing. The most amazing thing was the quality of the kimonos. I was totally blown away! Thank you, thank you, thank you. They are so beautiful and breathtaking.... Wait, I have more! As a quilter and one who sews, I couldn't help but admire the fact that the kimonos were hand stitched. I am going to ask my quilting and sewing buddies if they would be interested in sharing a bundle. I thought long and hard before ordering, but what I really got was a bargain beyond compare. Again, thank you.

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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(From Yoko:)We were featured in the Good News Rag, a paid subscriber-based print publication for designers, seamstresses, couturiers and anyone interested in sewing-based crafts. The Rag, as it is affectionately called, is published by Lois Ericson of Reno, Nevada. In her Jan/Feb. 2005 (Issue #84) she talked about us in a column titled, "My Favorite Fabric Store", which started, "I enjoy using kimono fabric in my work and have recently connected with a great source. Maybe you would like to check out their website...." She had many nice things to say and we thank her for her unsolicited praise. 

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I received my order yesterday and I love everything. I'm going to have to
order more because I feel bad cutting some of the fabric I received. You
sent me a very small jacket (don't know the name in Japanese){haori} and I thought
that it was so beautiful that I don't think I'm going to give it to my
daughters, like I told Yoko, but I don't know what I could do with it. It
doesn't look like it was ever used.

Thank you again.

Dulce C.
Maryland, USA
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I just wanted to let you know that the package arrived yesterday. The gosho ningyo fabric is even more beautiful than I was expecting...a tallorder to fill.

I appreciate the the quick, thorough responses to my questions, the rapid
shipping of my order and, especially, the care with which the fabric I
bought was packaged for shipping. I was also very impressed by your
willingness to recommend another vendor for mixed fabric packages of a
size more suitable to my needs than the large packages you offer. I look
forward to the possibility of purchasing from you again in the near future
and would not hesitate to recommend you as an ideal seller!

Thank you very much!
All the best...
Cheryl Giordano
Brooklyn, New York

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Dear Dana & Yoko...

I just got my 20 lb box of cotton kimono cloth. I am so happy!! I took one apart and I could not believe how much fabric there was. I love the selection you sent. It was exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much. And, I found a nice suprise in the box....a bolt of the most delicious cotton for kimono. I didn't expect that. You've won me over and I can't wait to work with these fabrics and to order more. I wish I could get 100 pounds!!! (hmmmmm maybe) There is one kimono in the box that is in such great condition that I think I'll give to my dad for father's day. I think he will like it very much. I will make a sash with some of the other kimono cloth to keep it closed. Again thank you and I'm so happy I decided to order. Domo arigatou!!!

Marguerite Cordice
Flushing, New York

divider image scroll down pleaseDear Dana,

I got the package this afternoon.How should I describe after I went through all of them.It is too good to be true. Don`t know how to express my satisfaction. Am I lucky! thank you.

Best regards
Jane Liu
Toronto, Canada
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The kimono with the cranes is a very big hit (commensurate with the hit to my visa card) (for unexpected customs charges).

Thank you,

Jeff Cutler, United Kingdom

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