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7388-2:1990's Japanese Tsumugi Silk fabric 38" Piece (Arai-Hari)Mauve

7388:1990s Japan tsumugi silk, closeup1

Catalog#: 7388-2

1990s Japanese Tsumugi Silk (Pongee)Fabric
from Arai-Hari (Japanese Kimono Cleaner)
Mauve-Purple Hues, Lateral Pinstripes

Width:14.5 inches / 36.83 cm
Length: 38 Inches / 96.52 cm

US$15.00 / Piece 
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Item Details and Description

Fabric History/Pedigree: 1990's tsumugi (pongee) silk pieces received from a traditional Japanese kimono cleaner/reconstructor (Arai-Hari -- see an excellent explanation of traditional Arai Hari by textile expert John Marshall, by click-pushing HERE. )

Fabric Description:  This is a traditional Tsumugi weave, medium lightweight pongee-type silk that is an interesting blend of colors from lighter mauve to medium purples in gradation hues; There are lateral (weft) bands/pinstripes (1/8th/.125 inch / 3.17mm thick) with wider multi-colored rectangular shapes(just over 1/8th/.125 inch long, spaced every 3/4 inch /19.05mm; Other colors used are blues, pale yellows/tan, and white/metallic silver;  The closeups showing the brocade work occur 3 times in the piece, evenly spaced; fabric weave has characteristic Japanese pongee "bumps", and is slightly stiff; textured to the touch.

NOTE RE: OUR IMAGES -- The second and third pictures show the brocaded mixed metallic lines -- first is a view of the brocade accents from the front and then the back of the fabric.

Colors: Reminder that colors differ on each device so please use our text color descriptions to complement your sense of the look of this piece.

Condition: Excellent.

Recommended for making scarf/accessories

    $ 15.00

    7388-2:1990's Japanese Tsumugi Silk fabric 38" Piece (Arai-Hari)Mauve