
Bulk Women's Kimono Packages Information Page YokoDana Kimono Wholesale

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Vintage Japanese Kimono Bundles by YokoDana Kimono

Vintage Japanese Kimono Bundles for Women Sold Online
Bulk Wholesale Authentic Traditional Kimono For Women


Welcome to the world of Vintage Clothing -- specifically, Vintage Japanese Kimonos. This page provides an overview of our wholesale, bulk kimono packages collection and a list of packages that we offer through this site online. We also provide links to our various other specialized FAQ pages, testimonials and more, as well as contact links; depending on your device these are at bottom of all pages, or via dropdown menus. 

All our kimonos were made in Japan, many of them hand-made. Our kimonos originally were worn and then recycled within Japan by Japanese. The garments generally age from the 1930's to 1980s. We source them in Japan and ship them to customers from our USA location in the state of Delaware, USA.

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If you've never bought vintage (recycled, though we prefer the term upcycled) clothing of any kind online - especially vintage kimono - we ask you to take the time to first read our pre-purchase guidelines HERE before proceeding.

So, taking the extra time to read everything here before your online purchase will help you make a more informed decision. After you've read everything and if you still have questions, please get in touch with us.

Go to Bulk Kimono Bundles

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    CAVEAT: It is essential that prior to purchasing you read the full product description for each type package you are considering as well as our detailed  FAQs, as these are 100% the result of customers' input and are essential to understanding this product. To see all the information and FAQ pages please see the drop-down menu at ABOUT US tab.
